Climate-smart solutions

Our focus is on developing microalgae-based biological products like biostimulants, biofertilizers and biocontrols for agriculture.

Biological inputs for agriculture

What is a biostimulant?

Biostimulants stimulate existing biological and chemical processes in the plant or soil. They enhance the plants growth, yield or quality through improving nutrient update, nutrient use efficiency or tolerance to abiotic stress like heat and saline soils.  

What is a biofertilizer?

They  are derived from materials of biological origin like plants, algae and animals that contain sufficient levels of plant nutrients (nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium) in forms that are either directly absorbed by plants, or are sufficiently quickly decomposed to available forms, to cause an increase in plant growth or quality. 

What are biocontrols?

Biological control is the use of living organisms, such as insects or pathogens, to control pest populations. It introduces some of the specialist natural enemy into an environment that help control the invasive species it in its native range. The aim of biocontrol is not to eradicate the invasive species but control it in a way that it becomes manageable.